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What are Pros and Cons of Using Angular Framework?
Discover the pros and cons of using Angular, a well-liked JavaScript framework for web development. Learn about Angular's advantages, including its two-way data binding, robust template language, and integrated support for mobile devices. Recognize Angular's disadvantages, such as its challenging learning curve and performance problems with big apps. Make a well-informed choice regarding Angular for your upcoming web development project.
MVC Architecture implementation
Model-View-Controller architecture, not only attaches value to the framework when creating a client-side app but also sets the foundation for the other features like data binding and scopes. With MVC architecture, it is possible to isolate the app logic from the UI layer and support separation of concerns. The controller receives all requests for the app and operates with the model to prepare any data needed by the view. The view uses the data prepared by the controller and displays a final presentable response.
Enhanced Design Architecture
Some of the large web applications contain a lot of components. Angular simplifies the way of managing these components even if a new programmer joins the project after the development process has already begun. The architecture is built in such a way that helps the programmer to locate and develop the code easily.
A module is a mechanism that groups directives, components, pipes and services that are related, in such a way that can be combined with other modules in order to create an application The Angular-based app can be considered as a puzzle where each module is needed to be able to see the full picture. There are a number of ways to add different elements to a module. Angular solves the problem of global function exploitation by limiting the scope of all functions to the module, in which it was defined and used.
Services and Dependency Injection (DI)
A service or component might sometimes need other dependent services to complete a task. A Dependency Injection design pattern is used in order to fulfill these dependencies. It divides the task among different services. The client service will not create the dependent object, rather it will be created and injected by an Angular injector. The Angular injector is responsible for creating service instances and injecting them into classes like components and services
Custom directives
Custom directives improve HTML functionality and are suitable for dynamic client-side applications. They all start with the prefix ng so that HTML can identify them. Some of these are: NgModel: provides two-way data binding to an HTML form elements. NgClass: removes and adds a set of CSS classes. NgStyle: adds and removes a set of HTML styles.
TypeScript: better tooling, cleaner code, and higher scalability
Angular is written using TypeScript, which is a superset for JavaScript. It fully complies to JavaScript and also helps spot and eliminate common mistakes while coding. While small JavaScript projects do not require such an enhancement, the enterprise-scale applications need developers to make their code cleaner and verify the quality more often.
Limited SEO options
A major drawback of using Angular is the limited SEO options and poor accessibility for search engine crawlers.
Angular is verbose and complex
A frequent complaint that you would hear from the Angular developers is the verbosity of the instrument. And this problem hasn’t changed much since AngularJS.
Steep learning curve
If you onboard new developers who are familiar with JavaScript to use new Angular, they would find it difficult as compared to React or Vue onboarding. This is because the array of topics and aspects to be covered is quite large.
CLI documentation is lacking details
Some developers express concerns with the current state of CLI documentation. While the command line is very useful fo Angular developers, you won’t find enough information in their official documentation on GitHub and you have to spend more time exploring threads on GitHub to get answers.